Monday, April 21, 2014

Our Day at Fort Pickens

We started the day with a fifteen mile bike ride the length of the island.  The family camping next to us told us about a great local fish market called Joe Patti not far from here.  We miss Falatic's in Sawyer, Michigan, where we bought fish, meat, and cheese so we were happy to find a good place here to purchase fresh fish.  We made a trip to the nearby town for fish and groceries, came back and cooked our salmon over a fire, followed by a sunset walk on the beach.  Sunny and 70's on this white sand island helped to make this a great day!
Thinking of friends and family back home.....we miss you....remembering you in our prayers every day.


  1. Sounds pretty nice especially when we have fall setting in here. We did manage to enjoy a white sand beach walk last night too though. I don't think salmon are native to Florida? Redfish, snapper, mackerel, jacks?

  2. The salmon was from Norway and was delicious.
