Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Peek Inside

Saturday, February 22, 2014:  We are working towards a March 10th departure if the weather cooperates.  This morning Chuck started the generator, turned on the furnace, and opened the slide out.  It was warm inside for a day of organizing and learning how everything works.  


  1. Looks super nice! ...and Skipper seems to feel at home. Did you trim his Yak fur off yet? We bought this dog mat/bed for Jag that is super absorbent. It holds water and supposedly dirt/sand. He laid on it after he swam at the beach and the car floor was dry. It is called the Soggy Doggy doormat. If we could find the bed we might even get that for him too.

    1. We trimmed some of it. He's going for a bath before we leave. We've been organizing for the move out of the beach house.....making progress despite the arctic temperatures.
